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Model: 199-01
Restored armchair.Rosewood, goat wool fabric.France.1880s.Height 90; 35cm; 47x44cm...
Model: 199-02
Art deco style chair.Oak, fabric with beautiful embroidery.Belgium.1930s.Height 88;52cm; 65x45cm...
Model: 199-03
Antique folding veranda chair.Mahogany.Fine wood carvings.England.1850s.Height 77;25cm; 32x46cm..
Model: 199-04
A sophisticated and large chair.The beautiful carvings.Mahogany, fabric.France.1880 - ties.Size: 120; 48cm; 72x58cm..
Model: 199-05
Art nouveau chair with armrests.Oak, fabric finish.Holland.1900s.Height 114; 47cm; 60x55cm..
Model: 199-06
Antique chair.Mahogany, fabric upholstery.France.1880s.Height 106; 48cm; 46x58xm..
Model: 199-07
Elegant armchair.Mahogany, frame, leather upholstery.France.1870s.Height 123; 45cm; 68x68xm..
Model: 199-08
4 stools.Wood, wicker seats.Holland.1970s.Height 47cm; 32x32cm..
Model: 190-06
Bar stools.Metal.New quality velvet seats.Height 57-79cm; diameter 35 cm.The price is for one...
Model: 198-12
Tea table with 4 stools.Mahogany, soapstone figures, beautiful carvings.China.1960s.Height 51cm; diameter 76 cm..
Model: 196-34
Classic Latvian chairs.Chairs decorated with beautiful design, 'correct' construction and elegant wood carvings.Made of oak in the 20s of the last century.In need of restoration, but not broken or chipped.The price is indicated for all together...
Model: 196-19
Chest with beautiful carvings.Walnut.Italy.1930s.Height 55cm; length 135cm; width 54cm..
Showing 1 to 12 of 53 (5 Pages)
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