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Model: 180-17
4 boxes.Oak, mahogany, walnut, marquetry.1930s.The price is indicated for all together.Size of the largest box: H10cm; 29x20cm..
Model: 179-30
A large barometer.Mahogany.Holland.1980s.Dimensions: H134cm; 22x11cm...
Model: 179-10
Bellows.1920s.Wood, leather.Size: 57x20cm..
Model: 176-30
Antique Emil Muller philharmonic.Walnut body.Works.Size: height 156cm; length 122cm; depth 60cm...
Model: 175-14
Travel drink box (Cave à liqueur).Restored.Made in the second half of the 19th century in France.Mahogany, rosewood, brass, crystal.Dimensions: height 28cm; width 33cm; depth 24cm...
Model: 174-28
Suitcase.Dimensions: 31x50x14cm..
Model: 174-21
Antique carts.Stroller for towing children with a movable front bridge.Oak.In France.1860s.Dimensions: height 75cm; 90X50cm..
Model: 172-12
Mirror with two clothes brushes.Silver plated.In France.1930s.Mirror size 28x12cm..
Model: 172-13
Mirror with two clothes brushes.Silver plated.In France.1930s.Mirror size 25x9cm..
Model: 171-39
Desk accessories set with silver finish.Made in Latvia in the 1920s. Each part has a proof office marking.Oak, silver.Dimensions of the largest part: Height 26cm; 50x35cm..
Model: 171-27
PipeRosewood.Master Fran TwaalfhovenHollandLength 49cm..
Model: 169-02
Horn.Caper, bronze.Length 108cm; diameter 15 cm..
Showing 37 to 48 of 63 (6 Pages)
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